Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Christmas List!

This list is mainly for my mom because she wants to know what I want so here goes nothing
First off here is my wish list with my more expensive wants , I wouldn't object to getting any of the things on that list. Haha. Some of the stuff HAS gone on sale though...

patent leather loafers $70 at nordstrom
Black Skinny Jeans. 
To go to Annie Creamcheese.
A Cute New Purse, I haven't decided exactly which one
Prince Caspian on DVD
Wall-E on DVD
New Headphones
Roll Bounce on DVD
Piratica 3 by Tanith Lee 
A pair of really warm mittens/gloves
Black sunglasses like the ones I lost
To go to Chipotle and 5 Guys
New Clothes/shoes in general since I don't really have any winter clothes and my shoes are wearing out
Maybe some new casual boots that are warm but not uggs or snow boots
I think these shoes are way cute too. but they're kind of a lot. 

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